10 days to detox, restore, Exhale, & reset

Signs you need a detox

  • Constant Fatigue: Feeling drained even after rest.

  • Poor Digestion: Bloating, constipation, or sluggish metabolism.

  • Brain Fog: Difficulty focusing or making decisions.

  • Skin Issues: Persistent acne, rashes, or dullness.

  • Low Immunity: Frequently catching colds or infections + prone to seasonal allergies

  • Emotional Imbalance: Feeling irritable, anxious, or overwhelmed.

  • Weight Challenges: Unexplained weight gain or difficulty maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Bad Breath or Body Odor: Persistent issues even with good hygiene.

  • Sleep Problems: Trouble falling asleep or waking up refreshed.

  • Cravings or Addictions: Strong urges for sugar, caffeine, alcohol, or junk food.

  • Joint or Muscle Stiffness: Feeling stiff, achy, or inflamed.

  • Lack of Energy for Life: Feeling unmotivated or disconnected from joy.

Your seasonal reset

Cleanses are recommended in both the Fall and Spring seasons. Reason being, the seasons greatly affect us - physically, mentally, and emotionally! Ever noticed that in the Fall we are more susceptible to colds and flus, and in the Spring we are more susceptible to seasonal allergies and sinus issues? These two seasons are when a lot of change and transformation are occurring around us in the natural world, and therefore simultaneously within our bodies. Cleanses allow your body to remove toxins, strengthen immunity, improve digestion, and enhance mental clarity and calmness. What to Expect During an Ayurvedic Cleanse


A traditional Ayurvedic cleanse involves a mono-diet of kitchari, a comforting and nutritious dish I like to think of as India’s version of "grandma's chicken noodle soup." Made with basmati rice, mung beans, vegetables, healthy oils, digestive spices, and a variety of toppings, kitchari is a complete protein packed with fiber and nutrients. Its star ingredient, mung beans, is known for its detoxifying properties and easy digestibility. Mono diets allow your body to know what to expect - so your body can focus less on processing and digesting, and more on healing and revitalizing. 

Prefer more variety? No problem! Cleanses can be personalized to include modern options like oatmeal, bone broth, salmon, and cooked vegetables, so you can still experience the benefits with a more diverse diet.

Why Cleanse?

Our bodies are exposed to toxins daily—through food, products, and the environment. Thankfully, your body is brilliant at protecting you, storing toxins in biofilms inside fat cells and tissues to keep them away from vital organs. How genius our bodies are! But let's get those toxins OUT of the system - where they belong. Ayurvedic cleanses recognize that your brilliant body knows exactly how to detox and cleanse, it just needs to be given the proper environment to do so. Then, those stored-away toxins can be flushed out of the body's tissues and instead into the toilet, leaving you feeling clean and clear! 

  • Proven Results: Studies show that a 5–7 day cleanse can reduce blood toxins by 30–70%.

  • Discover Your Food Triggers: Post-cleanse, you’ll reintroduce foods gradually to identify which ones nourish you and which ones cause imbalance. Think of it as a mini-elimination diet!

A Whole-Body Reset

Cleanses are a mind + body + spirit reset. Beyond the detoxifying diet and eating guidelines, cleanses are a time for rest, relaxation, and listening to your body's wisdom. Different practices are often incorporated to enhance the experience and the quality of the cleanse including meditations, sauna, hot baths, and abhyanga (aka warm self body oil massage - YUM!). 

Ready to feel refreshed, energized, and balanced?

"I did the cleanse for 7 days and felt like a new woman at the end of the week. ALL of my bloating and stomach discomfort went away. I was able to start falling asleep easier (without feeling the need to take a sleep aid). And I also lost almost 10 pounds. The weight literally melted off of me because I finally gave my system a real break that it so desperately needed." - Anne Mitchell

  • Increased Energy: Feel vibrant and energized throughout the day.

  • Improved Digestion: Reduce bloating, enjoy regularity, and feel lighter.

  • Mental Clarity: Sharpen your focus and decision-making.

  • Radiant Skin: Achieve a glowing complexion and clear skin.

  • Stronger Immunity: Stay healthy and ward off frequent illnesses.

  • Emotional Balance: Feel calm, centered, and more in control.

  • Healthy Weight: Support natural weight balance effortlessly.

  • Fresh Breath & Clear Body: Reduce toxins for a cleaner, fresher feeling.

  • Better Sleep: Enjoy deep, restorative sleep and wake up refreshed.

  • Craving Control: Reduce dependency on sugar, caffeine, and processed foods.

  • Renewed Motivation: Reignite passion, creativity, and joy for life.

What you can expect

WHY Is this detox different?

  • It is not a time of starvation, fasting, or intense deprivation that you might experience in other cleanses. Ayurvedic cleanses encourage deep nourishment and rejuvenation. You eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You drink herbal teas. You prioritize your sleep and rest. You take note of what you are digesting with your five senses. To me, Ayurvedic cleanses are like an at-home spa experience where you have the excuse to pamper and treat yo'self for an entire week! 

  • It is not a time of harshness. To truly cleanse and heal, the body needs to know you mean business about relaxation, warmth, nourishment, and giving it space to do what it does best. Doing so activates the parasympathetic nervous system - allowing your body to rest and digest toxins fully. Ayurvedic cleanses are all about listening to your body, slowing down, and being mindful. 

  • It is not something you need to drop your whole life for - you can fit it into your schedule and make it work for you! I make this cleanse flexible so that you can create space to cleanse regardless of life's demands. 



  • Length: 10 days total (2 prep days + 7 days of active cleansing + 1 rest day)

  • Includes: 

    • 1 Live Zoom Prep Session: Meet your cleansemates, Q&A, prep tips, & intention setting (will be recorded if you cannot make it live)

    • 1 Live Zoom Mid-week Check In Session: Q&A, group shares, & accountability (will be recorded if you cannot make it live)

    • 1 Live Zoom Closing Session: Group shares, integration, & intention setting (will be recorded if you cannot make it live)

    • A complete guide so your brain doesn't have to THINK during the cleanse and instead it can just rest. I provide all the recipes, a daily tracker, etc. all in one thorough yet short and easy to digest document. Everything is all in one place to make it as easy as possible (let's avoid overwhelm, shall we?) 

    • Mini dosha evaluation to personalize your cleanse (aka your unique mind/body type) 

    • Access to a (optional) group Whatsapp to connect, share, and ask questions throughout the experience. I will check the Whatsapp daily to answer any questions and provide tips! Doing things in a group is always more fun, plus you get the very beneficial element of accountability and loving support from your fellow cleanse-mates! 

    • Additional (optional) support throughout the cleanse (via guided energy meditations, journal prompts, etc.)