Hi, I’m Charlotte!
I am a Certified Ayurvedic Wellness Coach.
My journey towards Ayurveda began when I was teaching English in Thailand in 2014. That is where I first learned about this ancient science, as well as where I fell madly in love with Nature. I had always been drawn towards health, nutrition, yoga, meditation, etc. but I would say my health journey really began once I came back home to the U.S. from my time in Southeast Asia.
I was diagnosed with pre-cancerous cells on my cervix. My gynecologist strongly encouraged me to get a procedure in which abnormal tissue is surgically removed from the cervix, which can potentially lead to scarring, difficulty getting pregnant, and issues with birth. I knew there must be another way, and dove into holistic and alternative research. Through specific herbal supplements, avoiding certain foods, eating local and organic, stress-reduction, getting off of birth control, throwing out toxic toiletries, etc. I was able to shock my doctors with clean and clear tests. The abnormal cells were gone! That was my first time experiencing the sheer empowerment that comes from trusting your body and believing in Nature’s power to heal. And I have been a believer ever since.
I learned that given the proper environment, our bodies can heal themselves. From that point on, any time I had a sickness or an ailment, I have turned to Nature first and foremost. Time and time again, it has only affirmed the innate power our bodies have to heal. From naturally healing my seasonal allergies to healing an ovarian cyst and striation on my uterus, my body has taught me that if we listen to the messages, we can actually communicate and restore balance.
We must create the healing climate so that our bodies can re-organize and use their own innate intelligence to heal. Through the combination of lifestyle adjustments, diet, herbs, mindfulness, somatic movement, emotional processing, and energy work my intention is to connect you to your own body’s wisdom so you can heal yourself.
Balance is the key to vibrant health & Ayurveda provides the roadmap
My Approach
Your body contains all of the ability and intelligence needed to heal. We don’t have to remind ourselves to breath, to tell our body how to heal that scrape on your knee from when you fell, or to push an internal button to activate your digestion. Your body does all of this on its own.
Your body is constantly in communication with you - speaking to you through bloating, indigestion, sleepless nights, skin issues, anxiety, constipation, etc. These are not “problems” but rather your body calling for attention. My goal is to help you listen to the whispers of your body, so they don’t become screams.
Your body wants you to thrive, it wants you to heal. Together, we will co-create the healing environment that is specific to you and your needs, so that your innate bodily wisdom can do what it does best.